Healthy Fat Booster

Healthy Fat Booster

Avocado: Creamy green goodness boost heart health and gives you that  supple skin and glow

Flaxseeds: Mild tasting. Packed with Omega 3 fatty acids and well as fibre and protein

Chia seeds: It has no flavor. Healthy source of omega 3 fatty acids, fibre and protein

Coconut oil: Both antibacterial and antiviral. It keeps skin and hair healthy

Nut butter: Excellent source of healthy fats and fiber. Also a good source of protein and minerals. Nut butters are  also high in calories so you need to watch out for portion size if you are watching your weight. We provide unsweetened, unsalted nut butters Options:

  • Peanut butter
  • Almond butter

Healthy fillers

Healthy fillers

Oats: Heart healthy good ol’ oats are filling and help stabilize sugar levels

Protein Boosters

Protein Boosters

Protein powder: Add to your smoothie to up your protein game or for a post work out blend. Protein rich smoothies are excellent for maintaining muscle mass and muscle recovery.

Flaxseeds: Mild tasting. Packed with Omega 3 fatty acids and well as fibre and protein

Chia seeds: It has no flavor. Healthy source of omega 3 fatty acids, fibre and protein

Nut butter: Excellent source of healthy fats and fiber. Also a good source of protein and minerals. Nut butters are  also high in calories so you need to watch out for portion size if you are watching your weight. We provide unsweetened, unsalted nut butters Options:

  • Peanut butter
  • Almond butter

Hemp hearts: mild nutty taste. They contain all the essential proteins, omega 3s as well as Vitamin E. Keeps skin cell strong and supple

Avocado: Creamy green goodness boost heart health and gives you that  supple skin and glow

Spice Booster

Spice Booster

Turmeric: Superpower spice helps heal digestive problems and relieves pain and swelling caused by inflammation

Ginger: Gives your smoothie a tangy taste. It helps repair damages tissues and detoxifies

Cinnamon: Has a distinct flavor. Contains high concentrations of antioxidants that helps reduce risk of cancer and other diseases



Kale: Helps purify and build the blood. Also helps boost immunity and clear bowel congestion

Cocoa powder: Loaded with “wonder substances” called antioxidants that help fight colds and other illnesses

Gojiberries: Sweet flavor. High in antioxidants and helps slow down aging process

Copyright © Greenade Smoothies 2018